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Electromagnetic Methods for Geothermal Exploration Ki Ha LeeU.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996
Modeling Self-Potential (SP) Data in the Abraham and Meadow-Hatton Geothermal Systems Schima, S.; Wilt, M.; Ross, H.U.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996
Geothermal Heat Pumps: Technology Transfer Training Bose, J. E.; Smith, M. D.; Spitler, J. D.U.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996
Geothermal Heat Pumps: Technology Transfer Teleconferences Bose, J. E.; Smith, M. D.; Spitler, J. D.U.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996
Geothermal Heat Pumps: Developing New Design, Simulation Methodologies, and Tools for Geothermal Pump Systems Spitler, J. D.U.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996
Geothermal Heat Pumps: Technology Transfer Publications Bose, J. E.; Smith, M. D.; Spitler, J. D.U.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996
Geothermal Heat Pumps Sullivan, W.; Martinez, G.U.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996
Geothermal Heat Pump Consortium Lienau, P. J.; Boyd, T. L.U.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996
The Geothermal Heat Pump Consortium's National Earth Comfort Program L'Ecuyer, M.U.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996
Silica Waste Utilization Lund, J. W.; Boyd, T. L.U.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996
Southeast Geysers Effluent Pipeline and Injection Project Dellinger, M.U.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996
Low-Temperature Geothermal Resource Assessment Program Lienau, P. J.; Ross, H. P.U.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996
Geothermal Direct Heat Utilization Assistance Lienau, P. J.U.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996
Geothermal Power Organization Morris, E.; Anderson, J.U.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996
Advanced Biochemical Processes for Geothermal Brines Premuzic, E. T.U.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996
Advanced High Temperature CO2-Resistant Lightweight Cements Kukacka, L. E.; Sugama, T.U.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996
Field Testing of Thermally-Conductive, Corrosion-Resistant Liners Hoo, E.; Hassani, V.U.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996
Corrosion Mitigation at The Geysers Kukacka, L. E.; Webster, R. P.U.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996
Thermally Conductive Composites for Heat Exchanger Tubing Kukacka, L. E.; Webster, R. P.U.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996
Evaluations of Advanced Coating Materials Kukacka, L. E.; Allan, M. L.U.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996
Demonstration of an Advanced Binary Geothermal Plant Using the Kalina Cycle System 11 Hahn, J. L.U.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996
Demonstration of Economic Benefits of a Biphase Turbine in a Geothermal Application Hahn, J. L.U.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996
Development and Testing of Advanced Direct-Contact Condensers Bharathan, D.U.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996
Improvements in Binary Cycle Performance - Supersaturated Turbine Expansions Mines, G. L.U.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996
Model Development for Cycle Analysis in Advanced Heat Rejection Studies Bliem, C. J.; Hassani, V.U.S. Department of Energy, Geothermal Divisionpdf 1996